среда, 25 ноября 2015 г.

The beginner’s guide to yoga for men

The beginner’s guide to yoga for men

Hitting the mat halves your symptoms of depression, say scientists. Really, it’s a no-brainer

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Not jumped on board the yoga trend yet? We’re willing to bet you haven’t. After all, why should you? Yoga only benefits strength training, increases flexibility, tanks work stress, improves mindfulness, aids with muscular recovery and helps with balance, co-ordination and now - according to new research - helps alleviate symptoms of depression by a not-so-insignificant 50%, crushing stress and anxiety in the process.

But, in case you’re too macho for the faux-spirituality and funny names, we’ve stripped yoga down to its bare bones, so the time-poor MH man can learn exactly what he’s getting into. Time to join the broga bandwagon and feel all the better for it.

So, if humming along to whale music is not enough to have you swapping your met-con for mat-con, we've got a yoga discipline that'll give you a leg-up no matter your fitness goals. Faster recovery, meaning more time in the gym? Check. Cardio? Check. Inner peace? Why not. Read on for the ultimate broga walkthrough.

Yoga means union, referring to striking poses which unify your mind, body and spirit. It's no soft option in the world of exercise either. Nowadays footballers, fitness instructors and "modern men" whose flexibility is much admired by females are all downward dogging. The trick is to find which of the many disciplines suits you. So, take a deep breath and start your search here:

You’re after: Old-school yoga

Try: Hatha. Most yoga forms stem from this all-encompassing "daddy".

You will need: Baggy pants, loose T-shirt and a good teacher. "While it's a great entry-level form, a good tutor will offer easier and harder versions of each pose," suggests yoga instructor Conrad Paul.

Related: how to use yoga to flu-proof your body

You will get: Relaxing, slow, gradual exercises and a familiarity with the basic moves and principles of pranayama (breathing), asanas (postures) and dhyana (meditation).

You should go to: The British Wheel of Yoga (bwy.org.uk) for that good teacher.

You’re after: Getting detoxed

Try: Bikram Hot. Heat-assisted, extreme yoga.

You will need: To handle exercising in 37-degrees-C temperatures wearing close-fitting shorts and a vest. Founder Bikram Choudhury – an almost naked tutor himself – insists that tight clothes stop sweat becoming a discomfort.

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You will get: Nauseous at first, many Bikram converts do. But what follows is improved flexibility and undoubtedly a bit of weight loss as you sweat through 26 different hatha asanas and two breathing techniques at every session. "There are no ‘inversion' (head below the heart level) moves," explains Paul. "It's not suitable for those with certain medical conditions either."

You should go to: Log onto hotbikramyoga.co.uk.

You’re after: A CV workout

Try: Yogabeats. Fusing traditional yoga with Cuban rap and other melodic ditties.

You will need: An enthusiasm for mixing dirty dancing with some serious stretching. "Also bring a vest and light cotton Thai-fisherman-style trousers," says creator David Sye. And to avoid using sweaty old yoga mats get your own – from £9 from yogamatters.com.

You will get: "High on the endorphins this type of yoga releases," says Sye. "You'll also find that rather than using fixed postures, Yogabeats uses what Sye calls continuous ‘micromoves'. After a slow warm up, a more intense second section, partner work and then meditation you'll have given your cardio-vascular system – and dance-step repertoire – a grand workout.

You should go to: The Amida Club gym chain, amidaclubs.com, or yogabeats.com to find your nearest session.

You’re after: Going with the flow

Try: Vinyasa. A sequence of postures linked into sequences.

You will need: To know that Vinyasa is also used as a noun to describe the series of poses that are done between ‘downward-facing dogs' as part of a ‘sun salutation' sequence. (Don't worry, you'll learn the drill)

Related: how to be more productive by meditating

You will get: To master moves that generate heat and increase strength, flexibility and stamina. You'll also sound good if you repeat this: "Famous Vinyasa styles include Viniyoga, pioneered by TKV Desikachar whose father trained the founders of Iyengar and Ashtanga Yogas."

You should go to: YouTube for yogatic's Vinyasa Flow classes.

You’re after: A challenge

Try: Ashtanga. Top-end, hardcore yoga.

You will need: To be a fast-learner. This yoga combines strength and dynamism. "It is a set sequence of prop-free poses flowing from one to another with little time to adapt," says Paul. "Definitely not one for complete beginners."

You will get: Your money's worth. "It's nicknamed the ‘athletes yoga' for its aerobic workout qualities," says Paul.

You should go to: Log onto yotopia.co.uk.

You’re after: Recovery

Try: Iyengar. Yoga with accessories.

You will need: To use this style of yoga if you're on the comeback trail from injury or illness. "It's very gentle and supportive but can be tough when needs be," says Paul. Sound like a know-all by emphasising to friends that ‘these classes usually do not incorporate breathing techniques since founder BKS Iyengar believes this only comes after years of practice.'

You will get: To use some hardware. "In Iyengar classes alignment is paramount and the use of blocks, bolsters, belts, walls and chairs are used to help support the body in the various asanas," explains Paul. You won't need to bring your own wall.

You should go to: Log onto iyengaryoga.org.uk.

Words by Rob Kemp

Original article and pictures take www.menshealth.co.uk site

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