пятница, 17 марта 2017 г.

Tips For Planting A One Pot Container Herb Garden

Tips For Planting A One Pot Container Herb Garden

Growing your own herbs is a great way to save money at the grocery store. I have a vegetable garden but I always have a planter of my most used cooking herbs on my deck for convenience (it’s right outside of my kitchen). Growing herbs in containers is a great idea if you don’t have room for a garden – you can grow them on your deck (like me), a patio or a balcony. Here are my tips for growing a container herb garden.

How To Plant A Container Herb Garden: 6 Great tips for planting a container herb garden. This is a great idea for patios, decks, and balconies!
How To Plant A Container Herb Garden: 6 Great tips for planting a container herb garden. This is a great idea for patios, decks, and balconies!

You could plant each herb in a separate pot but why not plant them in a one pot container herb garden.

Container Herb Garden

Here are 6 tips to help you get started with planting your very own container herb garden!

1. Use transplants – you’ll be able to harvest sooner if you use seedlings from your garden center. Some herbs are hard to grow from seed so transplants are a good way to start herb gardening especially if you’re a beginner.

Using transplants for a container herb garden
Tips for Planting A Container Herb Garden: use transplants

2. Use good potting soil that drains well not soil from your yard.

3. Choose the right pot. If you’re planting several different herbs in one pot you need to give our plants some room to grow. So choose an appropriate pot size. Also, I know galvanized tubs are popular to plant in but they get hot and dry out quickly in my Zone (7b) so depending on where you are located, you may need to water them more frequently. Same thing with dark colored pots.

4. I use old soda cans & pine cones to fill the bottom of my large pots. That way I don’t have to fill the entire pot with soil and the pot isn’t too heavy. They’re easy to remove if at the end of the season you want to dump your dirt out. You can also use packing peanuts. I find them horribly messy when you need to dump the soil from a pot unless you contain them in a mesh bag or something first, so I don’t use them. Fill your pot with soil. Then get to planting!

rosemary planted in a container herb garden
Tips For Planting A Container Herb Garden:

5. Grow what you like to use. Technically you should plant the herbs that like to dry out in between watering together (like rosemary and thyme) in one pot and the ones like parsley and chives that like constant moisture in another pot. But I’ve been planting all my herbs together for years and never had a problem.

6. Herbs need a good amount of sun – 6 hours or so. If you live some place with very hot summers they may need to be shaded mid day. That’s why I put my large pots on casters so I can move them around as needed.

basil planted in a container garden

This pot has rosemary, lavender, sage, basil, curly leaf parsley & flat leaf parsley. I have a raised bed in my vegetable garden where I grow more herbs but these are ones we use all the time for cooking.

Tips for Plant A Container Herb Garden

Here is the same pot a few weeks later!

container herb garden

The Washi Tape Herb Markers makers were easy to make!

DIY Washi Tape Herb Markers for Your Container Herb Garden
DIY Washi Tape Herb Markers for Your Container Herb Garden

You can use paint sticks (I just happened to find a gardening gift set at Goodwill that had plant markers in it) and paint them the color of your choice. You’ll also need Washi Tape and a permanent marker.

DIY Washi Tape Herb Markers

I wrapped Washi Tape around the top (I chose black since my container is black), write the name of the the plant, wrap more Washi Tape under the plant name (seal if you like but I didn’t seal mine). That’s all!

How To Plant A Container Herb Garden
How To Plant A Container Herb Garden

Remember, herbs like being pinched back so the more you pick the more you get!

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Tips for planting a container herb garden
How To Plant A Container Herb Garden

Original article and pictures take acultivatednest.com site

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